Plan 1 Health Catheters
Long Dwell Catheters & AVATAR wireless ECG & U/S SystemSMD is focussed on building a dedicated Vascular Access company, working with unique solutions to help build it’s product portfolio and brand image. The Plan 1 Health product range offers a wide range of high quality catheters in multiple combinations and accessories. The Plan 1 Health long dwell catheter range consists of:
HEALTHPICC® identifies a range of catheters indicated for access to the venous system with perifieric implantation through a vein in the arm. They are indicated for short and long-term therapies, allowing the venous administration of fluids, medicines, nutritional therapies and blood sampling.
All HEALTHPICC® catheters are suitable for high flow injection of contrast media (“Power injection”).

HEALTHMID® is a peripheral venous catheter for short or medium term use. It allows the intravenous administration of fluids and drugs compatible with such peripheral positioning.It can also be used for high pressure contrast media infusions. It is not a Central Catheter so the insertion procedure is easier and faster than that of a PICC as it does not require verification of tip positioning. Not being a central catheter, it is not suitable for the infusion of drugs and substances that exclusively require this type of access such as substances with osmolarity & gt; 800 mOsm / l, pH & lt; 5 and pH & gt; 9, endothelium blistering and irritating drugs.

The catheter is introduced and positioned as for the PICC implantation technique: ultrasound-guided venipuncture, micro introduction set, ECG control of the tip. The catheter is then connected to a small PORT chamber, inserted in a subcutaneous pocket of the middle third of the arm.

Avatar Tip Locator® Box is designed to visualise electrocardiogram (ECG) rhythms to permit the placement of central catheters by observation of the variation of the P-wave trace, and also allows the recording and printing of medical device implantation parameters.
The AVATAR system is also available with a wireless Ultra-Sound probe, allowing for a fully wireless and portable system, to help support clinicians every day needs.
For a full demonstration of the AVATAR system, click on the video link below: